Who We Are

Sulu Garden Foundation, Inc. [SGF] is named after the Sulu Sea – the largest inland sea in the Philippines. Our mission concentrates on this sea and the provinces that surround it. These provinces have diverse cultures and religions, yet, they all share common history and traditions.

SGF is located in the seaside town of Miag-ao in the Province of Iloilo (Panay Island). Our home offices and laboratories are located beside an unnamed creek and a stone bridge built in 1873 during the Spanish colonial era. The Sulu Garden building complex was formerly an abandoned bakery acquired in 1997 by SGF Chairman Jonathan Matias and repurposed into a multi-function facility. The rehabilitation of the old building, creek, and bridge demonstrates the Sulu Garden Foundation’s dedication to nature and heritage preservation.

Read more about the Spanish bridge and the origins of Sulu Garden in two articles:

Origins of the
Sulu Garden Name

Puentes de España:
A Tale of Two Bridges

SGF was officially established as a non-governmental organization in the year 2020. Yet, our work spans as early as 2012 with research on fruit bats (small island flying fox), butterfly conservation and community programs, which continue till today. The foundation has various programs and activities focused on history and heritage, the arts, nature conservation, research and development, and community.

We aim to contribute: [1] to the improvement of the quality of life of the communities surrounding this inland sea which include heritage awareness and preservation of history and culture; [2] to the development of applied scientific knowledge, useful to preserve the environment and knowledge-based scientific approaches to improve the health and economic welfare of the people; and [3] to create linkages to these communities through the Arts Program with a view of bringing old and indigenous craftsmanship to connect with the modern world.

Let us keep helping

We need your donations to keep helping the community in Miagao.