Sapa Creek
SGF conducts a Sapa Creek mapping and cataloguing all flora and fauna part of the creek’s biodiversity.
Background & History
Creeks and rivers are often used as dumping grounds for wastewater and solid wastes. The esteros (canals) of Metro-Manila) has been an excellent example of such massive environmental damage in the recent past. Mitigation efforts by local and national agencies had restored the esteros into their former pristine condition, with fish returning. Similar efforts in provincial cities are being duplicated, such as the recent successful rehabilitation of the Iloilo River. Such efforts should be nationwide. Small streams and seasonal creeks are often forgotten or ignored as targets for conservation.
To demonstrate the importance of small rivers, Sulu Garden Foundation (SGF) had begun a program to survey Sapa Creek which passes alongside SGF headquarters. Below is the recent survey of the creek that begins in the open field 1.66 km from the National Highway and terminates into Panay Gulf (Sulu Sea). During the rainy season from June to January, the creek is water-filled and seasonally floods. It is home to many bird species, and a hunting ground for monitor lizards, pythons and other terrestrial organisms. Underwater, the creek is home to native species, such as “haruan” (snakeheads), various species of shrimps, “bulan-bulan” (Megalops cyprinoides), “ubog” and others.

(Clockwise) Philippine Hawk-Cuckoo (Hierococcyx pectoralis), Spangled Gudgeon (Ophiocara porocephala), unidentified fish species, Indo-Pacific Tarpon (Megalops cyprinoides), Spotted Scat (Scatophagus argus) and another unidentified fish species. All of these were found within Sapa Creek.
Creek Mapping

The ground truthing of the Sapa Creek was conducted last February 8, 2022 with the SGF staff and Geographical System Information (GIS) Specialist. This survey was done during the dry season. The creek has a perimeter of 2,250.60 meters and an area of 2.61 hectares.
Our most unexpected discovery was the presence of spotted scat (Scatophagus argus), locally known as ‘kikiro.’ Spotted scat is a high-value commercial fish that is SGF staff and GIS Specialist taking the coordinates to create the map. also becoming rarer and rarer. Naturally found in the open sea, kikiro breeds in the mouth of estuaries.
The fingerlings then enter Sapa Creek where they spend their juvenile time during the rainy season and presumably migrate back to sea before the dry season. Sapa Creek is therefore a biologically diverse creek that truly needs to be preserved. Restoration will involve some community effort to prevent the dumping of organic and plastic wastes. Such work will commence as soon as the completion of the multi-year, multi-season surveys.

Juvenile spotted scat (Scatophagus argus) being measured and studied for their development and feeding behavior.

The map above shows the extent of the Sapa Creek water during the dry season. Sapa Creek runs along within Miag-ao, Iloilo.
There will be another mapping survey to be conducted during the rainy season to compare the length of the water running within the creek and to determine its headwater source.
Written by: Senior Science Officer, Norielle Diamante
Mapping by: GIS Specialist, Hubert Canto
As part of the Sulu Garden Foundation (SGF) initiative to conserve and restore the Sapa Creek to its former form, SGF along with the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO-Guimbal) and the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO-Miag-ao) conducted the second mapping and ground-truthing of the creek last August 19, 2022, for the rainy season.
Ms. Norielle Diamante, the Senior Science Officer of SGF and SGF staff, Mr. Renato Nacanan with Unit head WRPU/PAMBCU/Forester I, Ms. Jojie P. Gereza and GIS Operator, Mr. Evan Dawn Casuncad of CENRO-Guimbal; EMS II/Designated MENR Officer, Mr. Isidro Mosura, Jr., MENRO-Miag-ao staff, Ms. Cindy Cabudlay, and Wildlife Enforcement Officers (WEO), Mr. John Paul Nonato of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO-Miag-ao). tracked the headwater source of the creek towards the University of the Philippines – Visayas (UPV) jurisdiction. However, the map wasn’t finished because a permit letter is needed to enter the premises of the university.
Another mapping will be conducted soon to finish the map from its headwater source towards the open sea.

Figure 1. Map above showing the length of the Sapa Creek is approximately 4.99km.

Figure 2. Map above is the ortho image of the length of Sapa Creek.

Figure 3. Topology map of the Sapa Creek.
Map Source: DENR CENRO-Guimbal Office
Photos below during the actual conduct of the mapping.
Solid wastes found within Sapa Creek.
After the finalization of the map, the offices concerned will move on to the next step of the Adopt-a-Water Body Program of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). SGF will adopt the Sapa Creek to help restore and conserve its native flora and fauna, especially the native fishes that can be found within the creek.
The video below is the compilation of videos during the ground-truthing and mapping of Sapa Creek.
Written by: Senior Science Officer, Norielle Diamante
Know more about the Spotted Scat (Scatophagus argus), locally known as ‘Kikiro.’
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