The second bat population count survey for the current year 2023 was conducted last May 19, 2023. Visual method was used and based on the count last January 2023, there were thirty-seven (37) individual trees recorded, with fifteen (15) species. This second trimester, there are forty-four (44) individual trees roosted on by the island flying foxes, with still fifteen (15) species.
The first bat population count survey for the current year 2023 was conducted last January 26, 2023. It was done with the technical support of Unit head Wildlife Regulatory and Permitting Unit (WRPU)/Protected Area Management Biodiversity and Conservation Unit (PAMBCU)/Forester I, Ms. Jojie P. Gereza and Forest Technician (FT) II, Ms. Lore Calapardo, both from the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) – Guimbal.